CRT-GOLD Saga Series Presents...
Tajiri vs Super Crazy vs Little Guido
The evolution of luca libre and Japanese high flying wrestling was on display in ECW between three amazing competitors- Yoshihiro Tajiri, Super Crazy, and Little Guido Maritato. These three had many amazing matches between them, but this compilation includes every televised three way dance in which they battled. A high-energy and sometimes very brutal style is compiled here on one tape!
This series includes-
- Hardcore TV 6/11/1999
- Hardcore TV 7/11/1999
- Anarchy Rulz 1999
- ECW on TNN 2/19/2000
- ECW on TNN 4/8/2000 (World TV Title Match)
- ECW One Night Stand 2005
The tape will include a front and spine label with the event title, along with the exact custom box shown in the images.
All events are recorded to a recycled blank VHS tape and audio/video errors may occur or previous content may be on portions of the tape. Select the "New Blank Tape" option to get a brand new blank VHS tape.
Note: You are paying for the sleeve. The content of the tape is FREE!