CRT-GOLD Trilogy Series Presents...
Seth Rollins vs Cody Rhodes
No one could believe it when Cody Rhodes came back at Wrestlemania 38. He would go on to have two amazing matches with Seth "Freakin" Rollins. Their feud would culminate in an instant-classic at Hell in a Cell with Cody wrestling with a torn pectoralis muscle.
This series includes-
- Wrestlemania 38
- Wrestlemania Backlash
- Hell in a Cell 2022
The tape will include a front and spine label with the event title, along with the exact custom box shown in the images.
All events are recorded to a recycled blank VHS tape and audio/video errors may occur or previous content may be on portions of the tape. Select the "New Blank Tape" option to get a brand new blank VHS tape.
Note: You are paying for the sleeve. The content of the tape is FREE!